Be A Sponsor - Make A Donation

Please use either of the payment methods below to join our growing list of sponsors!

use a mail-in form

Download, print out and complete our Sponsors Donation Letter by clicking here. Please mail the completed form, along with your check, to the address listed on the letter.

donate online with credit card or paypal

You can donate directly to the Town of Londonderry using a credit card to make it easy for you to submit a donation online. All funds go directly to the Town of Londonderry’s bank account. There are some things to remember as you use one of our online payment options:

  1. If your sponsorship level takes advantage of using your company’s logo, please be sure to email a high resolution image of your logo to

  2. Please fill out your contact details (and for corporate sponsors your company information) in one of the following forms. For corporate sponsors, we use this information to acknowledge your support. For family/individual supporters, we use your name and email to thank you for your thoughtful donation, and you have a choice of whether or not we celebrate your donation on our Facebook page.

Family/Individual Level Donation

Suggested donation is $25, but any amount is appreciated. Thank you!

Sponsor level Donation

We are a proud member!